Your friend is going through unexplained health challenges. Your friend faces financial ruin. Your friend is in a car accident. Now, lets say this all starts happening after your friend has made a decision for his/her life that you don't agree with. How would you respond? Honestly.
If we were honest, we'd probably have to admit that we would be wondering if God was punishing them, or trying to get their attention, or giving them grief/consequecnes for their decision that you think is a bad choice.
"To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown by his friend" Job 6:14
A simple truth, but yet one we may not follow in thought or deed. When Job was stricken with calamity, his friends came to comfort him. But after a while, and more things happend to Job, they started to lecture him and told him his afflications were the conequences for something he must have done wrong. What did Job do? Sounds like he was quite stunned for a time. What he needed was a reason to hope, for kindness, and words that showed that his friends believed in him. And thats what Job told his friends.
So the next time you see afflication happening to your friend, show kindess to them - in thought and deed. Don't presume that they are in sin and under punishment by God. Leave it to God to make the call on that.
When someone is grieving, listen, don't lecture.
*there have been no recent circumstances that spur this post. Just something I have observed in mankind :)
It all goes back to what you said in the first paragrap - "made a decision for his/her life that YOU don't agree with." It makes me mad when others judge othere because of what "we" think is right.
Perhaps God is shaking their life around, but it might be to draw them closer to HIM, regardless of the decisions that they have made.
Perhaps it has nothing to do with the decision they made.
In the end - don't lecture.
Liked this post :)
I agree with Amy. Judge not lest you be judged.
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