Friday, April 22, 2011

Vacation 101

How do you go on vacation, have everything not go as planned, and still have a good time? The answer: appreciate the upheavel cuz it makes for a good blog post :)

Here's what can happen in 20 min when you are on vacation.....
  • Room service called 5 times
  • Stirring my meds in a glass, only to have the spoon break
  • The shower flooded the bathroom
  • Coffee spilled
  • Milk spilled

And there's more......
  • Start for dinner at 5:00 pm, but don't get served until 8:30
  • Endure the freezing cold hotel room, only to finally find the heater nob after 24 hours
  • Couldn't figure how to turn of the bathroom light, so it stayed on all night     
  • Asked by the cashier why we'd want to vacation in her crummy town
  •  Hotel alarm clock going off thoughout the night even though we didn't set it and turned the power off. I finally smothered it with pillows
  • Asking for direction to the nearby cemetary, only to be given directions by a gas station employee who knew about it cuz "he once got arrested there"

But here's a good picture of the falls and our hotel :)



Amy B. said...

All I could do was laugh :)

Unknown said...

Lol!! But your picture is beautiful!! Where was that at?

Emily S said...

It was at Salish Lodge/Snoqualmie falls in Snoqualmie WA